Factory-grade Carbon Steel Pipes for Industrial Use
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Factory-grade Carbon Steel Pipes for Industrial Use

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Factory-grade Carbon Steel Pipes for Industrial Use

 Carbon steel pipe are an essential component in various industrial applications due to their strength and durability. Here's a concise summary of the key points regarding carbon steel pipes:

1. Material: Carbon steel pipes are made from carbon steel, an iron-carbon alloy with carbon content ranging from 0.0218% to 2.11%.

2. Composition: Carbon steel contains trace amounts of elements like silicon, manganese, sulfur, and phosphorus. To ensure quality, sulfur and phosphorus content are typically limited to less than 0.035%.

3. Classification: Seamless pipes, welded pipes, spiral pipes, high-frequency welded pipes etc

Based on carbon content, carbon steel is categorized into low (<0.25%), medium (0.25%-0.6%), and high carbon steel (>0.6%). High carbon steel is not typically used for pipes.

4. Standards: Material standards such as ASTM A106 / A106M, ASTM A53, and API 5L dictate the chemical composition, mechanical properties, and dimensions of carbon steel pipes.

5. Applications: They are extensively used in industries for transporting fluids like oil, natural gas, coal gas, water, and certain solids.

6. Manufacturing Process: The process involves shaping steel ingots or solid round steel into rough pipes, followed by refining through hot or cold rolling or drawing.

7. Quality Control: High-quality carbon steel pipes are produced by strictly controlling the sulfur content below 0.030%. Special-quality steel is defined by even stricter limits: phosphorus below 0.025% and sulfur below 0.020%.

carbon steel seamless pipe

CS API 5L factory seamless pipe

carbon steel welded pipe

CS welded pipe

carbon steel sprial pipe

CS spiral pipe

carbon steel high-frequency welded pipes

CS high-frequency welded pipe

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